Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Meet Holly!

Everyone knows I LOVE my phone. I am seriously hardly ever
without it. My mother has joked that its like my blankie or pacifier or something.
I just feel better with my phone. Keeps me connected, entertained, and I can alwasy
call for help in a pinch.
That's why I have no idea how I managed to lose the last one. Poor Jacie. :(
We had such a beautiful time together. But I seriously think she got tired and left me
because I have NO idea where she went. I was texting up a storm on Sunday, as always,
then next thing I know I was sitting in the truck and she wasn't in my pocket or purse.
I seriously FREAKED out.
I searched that whole truck, the house, outside, EVERYWHERE. And then I made Mike
relook for me.
So anyway, I made myself waid a total of 48 hours in case she happened to show up and then that's when Holly comes in.
Holly is my new phone. She looks a lot like her sister, Jacie, but has already shown some special character, and I think we are going to get along just great! Her name, Holly, was inspired by the Christmas season, so I can remember when she came into my lfe. She has filled that huge void in my life and filled my empty little hand.
And that is the story of the crazy girl and her new phone, Holly.


Burdett Family said...

Oh you crack me up.

Margo said...

Holly is hot. What if someone has an afair with her and she leaves you too?

Pearson Family said...

OH Miss Cami! I love you I swear. Holly is absolutely adorable. May Jacie rest in peace!