Friday, November 27, 2009

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!
Only one day late on that.
This Thanksgiving I am especially greatful for my family. This year I was able to spend a lot of time with my Grandmother and Grandfather Bryce. Being with them was a completely healing and peaceful experience. There are a lot of things I always wanted to but could never say to them, and I was able to do that. Just being with them helped me remember the kind of person I want to be.
This morning may not be Thanksgiving anymore, but it's still the holiday weekend, and working with my mom, I was able to tell her a lot of things about past experiences and current struggles that had been eating at me and I have never wanted to burden her with. Not only was it a huge relief, but there is now a whole new level of understanding between us.
Mostly, looking back on this last year and how much things have changed, and seeing who I am now and the new direction life is taking, I could not be happier. I know my family has been a major part of this and that is what I am most thankful for this holiday season.

Love you all and hope you had a wonderful holiday!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

I try to stay a positive person, I do. I really believe that in almost any situation you can be greatful it isn't worse, and if you are at rock bottom then you have no where to go but up from there. Of course there are imperfections in my logic at some points, and more often than not they seem to be over the silliest little things. They are my pet peeves, all my quirks and craziness. Some if not all may be over the top, but they still exist in full force. So just sharing some of my specialness.

"I seen it." - This is not proper english. No I am not always correct in my grammar, but this is a little beyond that. Read more books.

Gas Pump Receipts - Don't leave it in the pump for the next person. I do not want to know how much gas you purchased and doubt anyone else does either. We will not be impressed by your huge vehicle and how much you put into it, nor do I want to know just how little gas you might need for your little rice burner car. No one cares. Don't leave it there.

Grocery Bagging - My mom trained me to put my items onto the belt in a certain order. I understand that they baggers may not be completely mature or have the greatest ability to pay attention and reason, so we are supposed to make it easier on them. And yet even though my things go up in a specific order (heavy items, cold items, produce and then light and fragile things last) they end up mixed up in the bags. They come to you in that order. They have to make a conscious effort to screw that up. I would rather bag my own things, so for job security, pay attention!

Poking - This is just wrong. I also would add finger pointing in with poking. There is nothing happy or comforting about having a finger shook at your face, or one coming at your body. It's just not nice. If you can't find another way to touch or show affection or your point, keep your hands to yourself.

Touching the Face - Not all of us have perfectly flawless skin. Some of us have breakouts. You may think touching someones face is fun and affectionate. However, when someone touches my face, I think "Thank you for helping my face zits multiply. They must thank you." At casa I had a few girls touch my face during shifts. This is especially wrong. You touch people's plates and grossness. I do not want their and/or your diseases and dirt. This and poking should be punishable by being stabbed with a sharp pointy object without warning. Maybe that's MY way of showing affection. Lets see how YOU like being touched in a way you do not like!

Awww... Thank you for letting me vent those things. Mostly I have been raging over being poked. A c0-worker walked up and poked my belly. That is not cute or funny. At his point most of that belly is gas and constipation. Don't poke it. I understand my belly will soon be touched no matter what. Poking will still not be okay. Dirty looks will continue to be given, and disgust will continue to be voiced at this action. In fact, I have half a mind to see if pokind can somehow be outlawed in general, at least poking without permission. It's harrassment, I tell you.

Happy pre-Thanksgiving Wednesday.