Thursday, February 5, 2009

The City - Cami Style

First week in the City and it hasn't been too bad. Moving itself was an event all its own. Not that packing everything up and trying to get it down and fit it into my tiny apartment wasn't hard enough, things just kept happening. But I made it and am functioning thanks to the best twin brother in the world and a lot of support from friends back home and Mike. I am SO glad he is here. He even traveled back to Safford with me just so I wouldn't have to drive both trips all by myself in the same day.

Still haven't found room for all my stuff yet and just broke down and started eliminating a bunch of it. Our apartment isn't bad either. Some of the neighbors are different and I'm pretty sure a few of them have been on episodes of Cops before, but I don't judge as long as they leave me alone!

The new office is nice and so is everybody in it. It's definatley not the same as my beloved Safford office. I miss the people I worked with SO much. I at least have contact with them and they sent me a lovely plant. I want to name my plant Spike or Harold, but Mike things Pi-tree, so its still up in the air.

So right now I am just trying to get a footing on everything. Can't wait to have one week under my belt. Haven't been too homesick, but every now and again it hits. When I go to the gym and see two girls chatting it up or see kids playing in front of our apartment and realize I can't but into either situation without seeming like a crazy person, I miss my comfort zone. Mostly I just don't feel like I live here yet. It's like an extended visit. I always did overpack for trips down here.

So no crazy stories yet, but mostly its just been work, gym, and going through boxes. We'll see what the weekend brings. :) I miss all my friends so much and I think of you EVERY day. Keep you all posted.

Hugs and Kisses!


Summers Family said...

Who's Mike? Hope you have fun down there... we'll miss seeing you here though.

Sean Rickert said...

Where are you? What did I miss?

Margo said...

I am glad to have you close, although I doubt I will see the light of day much. I am sorry you feel out of your comfort zone, time will change that hopefully. I love ya and am excited for you to live here!!!

Burdett Family said...

ya who's mike?

Audra said...

Hang in there sweetie, I know that you are going through. I live it everyday in Seattle. I know things will get better....just be grateful for the sunshine....that should help. Love you!

Pearson Family said...

WAhh! Cami it is so weird knowing that you do not live here! AHHHH... now who am i supposed to chill with when i am stuck with the boys. I guess I am going to have to get out of my comfort zone and talk to some. Oh! WHO is going to block door ways with me? haha. JK. I am happy for you and hope for the best! Good luck hun!

Reeds said...

Hey Cami-it's Jennifer (Cluff) Reed. Just found your blog! So you moved to the city huh-I don't think I was even sure where you lived-but now I do, kind of. I hope you have fun! I am so glad I just found you-you have such a fun personality!