Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Orange Thief at Large.

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I try to eat healthy. I really do. Oatmeal, fruit, veggies, whole wheat bread and pasta, raw almonds, blah blah blah. So since I eat so much fiber and all that, I get extremely hungry and irritable if I don't eat something every 2-3 hours (4 is super pushing it). Knowing this, I bring lots of healthy snacks to work. So today I started to feel my energy levels dropping and headed back to the kitchen for something to eat. When I went to get my orange, however, someone had STOLEN it and EATEN it!
Who takes someone else's orange?! Especially when we have ice cream sandwiches and a huge candy bowl they can all eat from. Some of us can't have that, so when our fruit is MISSING we have NOTHING!
So sad for my little orange. I was so excited for our time together. :(


Margo said...

Punch 'em in the ovaries!

Brittnie Roit said...

Hey there Cami!!! I thought it was strange how you just up and texted me yesterday out of the blue! It is so good to see you on here. Woo-Hoo!!! Now I need to find someone to set you up with. ;0)

Burdett Family said...

Poor orange. I am glad you started a blogg. I saw you running the other day in Tatcher I would have stopped but Craig was late for class. Happy Thanksgiving